The School of Modern Naturopathy

We are specialists in e-learning and home study courses in naturopathy, natural medicine and nutrition. Courses are in video lecture format, with written resources in the form of pdfs.

Written by acclaimed natural health expert Linda Lazarides in the UK, our courses specialize in reconciling the views of the European early naturopaths, with the modern science-based approach that is sometimes known as nutritional medicine, functional medicine or functional nutrition.

The two systems are more compatible than we think, and there is a real wealth of modern research to help us ‘join up the dots’. It is really a question of knowing how to interpret the research—something that scientists can struggle with.

Our courses will be of interest to:

  • Those who want to start a career in natural medicine
  • Therapists who want to add naturopathic nutrition to their repertoire
  • Those who work in conventional medicine and would like to understand how naturopathy works
  • Those who have friends or family with health problems that they want to help with a naturopathic approach.

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IICT accreditation - School of Modern Naturopathy


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