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Home Study Courses

Our courses are written and taught by acclaimed British natural health expert Linda Lazarides, author of eight books on health, weight loss, naturopathy and nutrition. Linda has been a food doctor since 1989, and now devotes her time to writing and online teaching.

Our practitioner training diploma course can be found at this link. This is a modular course leading to a final diploma upon the successful completion of all ten modules. The diploma is accredited by the Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (UK), and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).

Each module also has its own certificate of completion, so if you are already qualified in another therapy and only wish to add some of our modules to your repertoire, you will find plenty to choose from. Some of our most popular modules include The Science of DetoxModern Naturopathy for Cancer, and Infections and Immunity. Our course includes a great deal of knowledge that is not published elsewhere.

We also welcome those who are not yet sure whether they want to change their career, and just want to learn more, perhaps to help themselves or a loved one. Our learning is self-paced, and fits perfectly around family or job commitments.

Click here to find our course modules.

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