About Linda Lazarides


Linda Lazarides is a graduate of London University, where she originally trained in modern languages, gaining a BA honours degree. After working for nine years as a technical and medical translator, Linda became disillusioned with conventional medicine, and decided to train in naturopathic nutrition. She completed a two-year diploma course in 1989 at one of the leading training organizations in London at that time.

Linda quickly built up a private practice working as a complementary nutritional therapist, and in 1990 was accepted into a GP (family physician) practice in London, where she was employed on a part-time basis by the National Health Service (NHS) to treat patients referred to her by the doctor.

Owing to her training and background, Linda was in demand as a writer, and from 1990-91 she took another part-time post as Nutrition Editor for the International Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, published by Green Library Ltd.


Through her work with IJACM, Linda discovered there was a great need for a coherent body to represent professionals in the field of alternative nutritional therapy in the UK. Initially working from home, she began building an organization known as the Society for the Promotion of Nutritional Therapy. The organization was very successful and grew to over 1,000 members. The subscriptions allowed Linda and her team to publish a quarterly journal and to undertake work with the media to raise the profile of nutritional therapy as a profession. The organization actively lobbied Parliament in a campaign to prevent the European Union from creating laws which would make it impossible for most manufacturers to continue selling higher-range nutritional supplements.

SPNT won its parliamentary campaign in 1997. In the same year, Linda decided to retire from politics. She co-founded Consumers for Health Choice to continue with the battles in Brussels, and, with Sir Charles Jessel, the British Association for Nutritional Therapy, which became the first national professional body for naturopathic nutritionists.


For her campaigning work with the SPNT Linda was made an Honorary Member of the British Society for Ecological Medicine (BSEM).

Advisory work

Linda has been a member of the advisory panels of several organizations including

  • The Institute for Complementary Medicine
  • Cancer Bacup
  • Here’s Health Magazine
  • Bristol Cancer Help Centre
  • Continuum (AIDS organization)

In 1996 Linda was approached by the University of Westminster for assistance with the Nutritional Therapy module of their proposed new degree course in complementary therapies. Linda wrote an outline syllabus for the University, which was used as the basis for the module. This module was subsequently turned into the UK’s first BSc Degree Course in Nutritional Therapy.

In 2002 Linda was invited by the Nutritional Therapy Council to give evidence on their behalf to the House of Lords Committee on Science and Technology in connection with their comprehensive report on Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Additional background

Linda’s knowledge of natural medicine is not restricted to nutritional therapy. She has completed numerous short courses, including a course in macrobiotics at the East-West Centre, one week’s training at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, two weeks introduction to the theory and practice of Cognitive Therapy for cancer patients at the Royal Marsden Hospital, and weekend courses in Environmental and Nutritional Medicine and Laboratory tests organized by the Breakspear Hospital. She has attended many conferences on topics as diverse as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, childhood autism and hyperactivity, leaky gut syndrome, mental illness, hormonal disorders, and Rudolph Steiner’s theosophical medicine, all taught by international medical experts working at the forefront of research in these areas.


Linda’s first two books were published by Thorsons in 1996 and 1997: The Principles of Nutritional Therapy, which has inspired many individuals to train in nutritional therapy, and her reference work, the Nutritional Health Bible. Linda’s book on Water Retention (the Waterfall Diet) was published by Piatkus in 1999 and immediately became a best-seller in the UK. Linda is also the author of Treat Yourself with Nutritional Therapy, the Amino Acid Report and the Big Healthy Soup Diet. Her latest book is A Textbook of Modern Naturopathy.

Linda is also the author of the following scientific paper

Popular magazines that Linda has written for include Health and Fitness, Here’s Health and Positive Health.


During the lifetime of SPNT, Linda taught many seminars, and also an annual four-day Skills Development Course for qualified nutritional therapists. She was invited to give talks to medical staff at Cancer Bacup, the South Cleveland Hospital and Kings College Hospital.

In 1999 Linda spent a week in Eastern Europe teaching under the auspices of the AIDS patients organization Continuum, which was a resistance group against the use of toxic anti-viral drugs in AIDS treatment. This was an EU-funded course in alternative AIDS science and nutrition in the Ukraine. On her return Linda wrote and self-published a small book, the HIV Self-Help Manual, based on what she had taught during this course.

Linda’s vision for the School of Modern Naturopathy is to provide holistic training which gives you a sound foundation to tackle any health issue professionally and competently.

Linda’s Books

Reviews, Testimonials, Media Articles

“Inspirational and mouth-watering”
Here’s Health Magazine London
“You are more knowledgeable than any Doctor I’ve ever been to. Your book gives me hope.”
“EXCELLENT. First class advice. Yummy recipes.”
Food writer Michelle Berriedale-Johnson
“By far the best eating regime I have come across. I have lost 35 lbs and recommend your book to all my friends.”
“I have lost a lot of water retention and have made major progress with dealing with my chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Your book has changed my life. My family remembers me barely able to walk.”
“This book is an invaluable source of information for anyone who is serious about health issues”
Hazel Courteney The Sunday Times, London
“How did I survive without this book?”
Nutrition and Health
“This book merits a four-star rating”
Health and Fitness Magazine
“Linda Lazarides doesn’t put a foot wrong. She won’t give you any advice that isn’t sound and well-founded”
Dr Damien Downing, Senior Editor, Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine

Amazon readers’ reviews

Linda’s Waterfall Diet

Newspaper And Magazine Articles Mentioning Linda’s Work

Articles By Linda In Established Publications

E-books by Linda Lazarides

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