Useful products and supplements
People sometimes ask me which products I myself use, so I looked through my Amazon UK orders over the last year, and made a list. They were all selected after much research to find the best quality and value for money. I’ve created links for you to view the product details. If you’re not in the UK, hopefully you’ll still be able to find them locally.
Linda Lazarides
Category: Food
Organic chia seeds
Very nutritious, and when ground up, they are sometimes used as an egg replacer in baking.
Organic chickpea flour
Useful for recipes like chickpea flour pizza, onion bhaji waffles and Burmese tofu.
Beautiful organic coconut milk
The supermarket brands mostly contain guar gum. This one doesn’t.
Organic yellow cornmeal
I love using this to make gluten-free cakes
Blue nixtamalized cornmeal
For making Mexican tortillas. You can also get this as yellow cornmeal, but the blue variety has extra antioxidants
Organic ground flax seed
A good source of omega 3 oil. When ground up, they are sometimes used as an egg replacer in baking.
Hearts of palm
These have a truly amazing seafood aroma, but they are vegan. Also available in most supermarkets.
Himalayan pink salt
I started using this after I read that sea salt may contain microplastics
Indian Long Pepper
As described in my Body Rejuvenation course. This has a beautiful fragrance. Just grind in a coffee grinder and use like normal black pepper.
High grade maple syrup
Very good value
Dried marrowfat peas
For my German pea soup recipe. Soak overnight in water with a little baking soda pressure cook for 5 minutes then use as a soup ingredient. Really tasty.
Organic fine oatmeal
This is good but I prefer the result obtained from milling rolled oats yourself in a food processor.
Bulk pistachio nuts
Those who have taken my Body Rejuvenation course will know why pistachio nuts are particularly valuable to health
Organic rapeseed (canola) oil
Beautiful oil, with omega 3. Use for salads only.
Sorghum flour
As used in my oats baking recipes
Organic walnut halves
Walnuts are right up there as one of the healthiest foods
Yellow lentils
I use this for some of my recipes and it’s good for Indian dal
Category: Items for baking
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
For baking, needs to be combined with an acid like vinegar*, lemon juice* or cream of tartar.
*If using one of these, the raising reaction will start immediately, so the dough or batter must be cooked straight away.
Natural cream of tartar
Because I have low kidney function I avoid items high in phosphate, such as modern baking powder. To make traditional baking powder: thoroughly combine 2 Tbsp of cream of tartar with 1 Tbsp baking soda and 1 Tbsp cornstarch.
Greaseproof paper circles (10-inch diameter)
I bought these as I got fed up cutting them out myself to make my stove-top oat flatbreads.
Ice cream scoop
I use this for making my oat bread rolls as the dough is very sticky. Good for anything with a soft dough where you need equal size portions.
Kitchen jug scale
I prefer this to conventional scales and I find it accurate
Pan for baking oat bread rolls
Two cups of my oat bread mix will make eight of these rectangular rolls. Two rolls will fit side by side in a wide-slot toaster to warm up.
9-inch pan with slider
Used for my oat pizza
Category: Supplements
Alpha-lipoic acid
This is a glutathione booster and one of the best anti-diabetic supplements
A very important digestive aid, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrosis and anti-cancer product.
Clove powder capsules
An economical and natural anti-fungal product
Fish oil plus K2, plus vitamin D3
I had to do a lot of research to find this product, which saves having to take all these truly essential nutrients separately
Ginkgo biloba
Helps brain and kidney function and helps to maintain tight cell junctions in the intestinal wall. I’ve just discovered, only after reading the small print, that this product also contains added iron. I get iron from drinking beet juice, so I will be looking for a new Ginkgo product soon. Iron supplementation increases free radicals in your body.
Magnesium taurate
My preferred form of magnesium due to the taurine content
N-acetyl cysteine
For those times when you need extra glutathione
Probiotic 7-day blast
Use after doing an intestinal cleanse
Quercetin phytosome
Quercetin is very poorly absorbed unless it is in this form.
Reishi (ganoderma) mushroom extract
Also Cordyceps mushroom extract
There are stronger and more expensive products on the market, but this one is perfectly adequate, being already a hundred times greater than the amount found in food.
Selenium and iodine
A very useful combination since most of us need more iodine but it is unwise to take it without selenium
Skate liver oil
I take these in addition to the fish oil product for their vitamin A content
Turmeric/curcumin tablets
Very important product for kidneys, liver, brain and digestive system
Vitamin C with bilberry (capsules)
This is the gentle magnesium ascorbate form of vitamin C
Vitamin C magnesium ascorbate powder
This is recommended for our anti-virus protocol. Dissolve in water, herbal tea or juice
Ionic zinc liquid drops
This lasts for ages. I put a couple of drops occasionally in juice or green tea. (NB: zinc and selenium compete with each other for absorption, so don’t take them at the same time).
Category: Equipment
Blood pressure monitor
After much research I decided on this one and find that it works reliably.
Masticating juice extractor
Centrifugal juicers used to be the only kind available for a reasonable price. This is an excellent, affordable gadget, and not bulky like most juicers.
Rotary drum grater
There are some things you just need this for when a food processor or chopping by hand won’t do. I especially use it to grate potatoes for rosti. Use the coarse grater to finely chop walnuts without them turning to powder, and the fine grater with Brazil nuts to make a lovely nut powder that you can stir into porridge or sprinkle as a dessert topping etc.
Category: Miscellaneous
Air fryer
I use this all the time. It’s basically a mini fan oven with a basket. To make chips (fries) I recommend blanching them first in hot water. Toss in a little olive oil and cook on full heat, giving the basket a shake every 10 minutes.
Antiseptic tea tree gel
It’s designed for pimples but can have many uses
Insect bite pen to relieve itching
Saves me having to boil a kettle and heat up a metal spoon to apply to an itchy bite. Works really well. There is a cheaper brand but the reviews are not great.
Effective and non-toxic insect repellant
Not sold for that purpose but everyone says it works and it smells good
Lavender slumber spray
Smells heavenly and helps relaxation
Probiotic product for pets
I give this to my cats
Skin tag remover (electrolysis)
I haven’t bought this yet, but I do have a skin tag that I’d like to get rid of, so I researched which was the method I would choose out of the DIY products available. This works by electrolysis, so there is a tiny sting, followed by redness, and the tag falls off in a few days. Don’t use it for warts and verrucas, the only way to get rid of those permanently is to have them professionally excised. Don’t use it on a mole unless your doctor confirms the mole is harmless.
Transparency and disclosure: We earn a small commission if any of these products are purchased through the links provided. This helps to fund this website.