While there’s life there’s hope
This is only indirectly about naturopathy, but it is certainly about health and illness. In the UK we just had a parliamentary vote on a Bill in favour of legalizing assisted dying.
Sure, there are many people who want this for the right reasons, mainly compassion and freedom of choice. But there are also people — very, very powerful people, who want it for the wrong reasons. These are eugenics supporters. They consider the sick, elderly and helpless to be “useless eaters” whose death needs to be hastened because they are a “burden on society”. These eugenics supporters speak freely of their views and plans at meetings of the billionaires club known as the World Economic Forum (WEF). Click to play the short clip below.
Incidentally, WEF are also creating an agenda that farming is “ecocide”.
Why oppose euthanasia?
Of course we should consider the argument that it is completely unacceptable for people to take weeks to die while screaming with pain. But do they? End of life care is about pain control, and we have powerful drugs for this. As long as there is life, there is hope. I would like to illustrate and prove this by showing you an article that was contributed to the newsletter of the former Bristol Cancer Help Centre, by a cancer survivor who was literally on the verge of death. Please allow a few seconds for the pdf to load below.
recovery_from_terminal_breast_cancerDoctors cannot predict with 100 percent accuracy when, or even if, a disease is going to kill us. Many people with so-called terminal diseases have proved them wrong. And any parliamentary bill proposed by a WEF supporter is very likely there because WEF plan to use it to further their own agendas.