What is Modern Naturopathy?

We think we know a lot more now about the body’s needs than we did in the days of early naturopathy. We know that the body needs vitamins, minerals, protein, dietary fibre and antioxidants. We know which ones perform which tasks. Nutritional science has blurred naturopathy but it is not the same thing at all. Nutritional science is limited in its ability to treat health problems. It can keep you healthy when you are young, but even those who religiously adhere to the highest Recommended Daily Allowances are still getting age-related problems like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and Alzheimers. Then the medications start. They keep us functioning but they don’t cure anything.

Supplements can help, but they are limited too. You simply cannot supplement all the phyto-nutrients contained in a truly healthy diet. You would run out of money very fast, and many phyto-nutrients are not even available as supplements.

Modern naturopathy is about using modern knowledge to help us understand what we really need to eat to remain disease-free for as long as possible, and to start reversing any symptoms that may have started.

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