Newsletter 5

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    • #1458

      Dear graduate subscriber, here is this week’s news: I have written and today sent out a press release about the covid vaccines. You can find the link here:

      There’s also lots of other useful information on that new site. The “sairama” part of the address link isn’t relevant – it was just a spare domain I borrowed to avoid having to purchase a separate domain.

      This has been a lot of work so I don’t have much else for you today, but I haven’t forgotten Tina’s question about how to handle arrogant dieticians. Although I’m tempted to tell them “Go play with your dietary reference values” I don’t think that would be very well received 😀

      While researching for the new vaccine truth website, I was very much encouraged by how much of an international force is building up. We just need the media to find a chink in the dam, and it will burst.

      I know one journalist in particular who will help us, since she was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack soon after her jab. She is keeping it very quiet, but I think that she will get braver as she gains confidence that our ranks are gaining power. The fact that 80k NHS employees are refusing the vaccine despite threats of dismissal, is a powerful message. I have just been listening to Nigel Farage interviewing an unvaccinated nurse who had to be called in on three separate occasions to cover for triple-vaccinated nurses who had gone off sick with covid. The more jabs we get, the more we erode our immune system and become vulnerable to infections, like Aids patients.

      We are living in unprecedented times, but if we don’t fight, we’ll end up being ordered to pay fines or face prison, like in Austria and Greece.

      Share the press release link!

      Much love


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