Newsletter: EMF

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    • #1511

      Dear Subscribers

      As you may have gathered from following me on Facebook and my Telegram channel, I am constantly gathering intel on the current world situation, the vaccine situation, the cabal, and related health issues.

      Here is a special update just for you subscribers.

      “WI-FI THE EMF PLAGUE” By Donna Fisher, January 2017.
      Scientific evidence demonstrating that microwave radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi damages our DNA and harms our health.

      In January 2015, the French National Assembly passed a national law to reduce exposure to wireless radiation electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Under the law, Wi-Fi and wireless devices are banned in “the spaces dedicated to home, rest and activities of children under 3 years.” Wi-Fi must be minimised in “schools for children up to 11 years” and Wi-Fi routers must be turned off when not in use for educational purposes.

      In 2013 the Israeli Ministry of Education issued guidelines on Wi-Fi use in schools to stop wireless networks in classrooms prior to the 1st grade. In 1st and 2nd grades, Wi-Fi use is limited to a max of 3 hours a week, and in 3rd grade a max of 8 hours a week. A hard-wired direct cable connection must be used if the teacher has a computer in the classroom.

      In a 2007 study changes were seen in gene expression following Wi-Fi exposure of a few hours for cultured human cells under controlled lab conditions. 221 genes altered after a 2-hour exposure and 759 genes changed after a 6-hour exposure to EMFs.

      In 2013, Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD and Michael Carlberg from Dept of Oncology at Orebro University Hospital Sweden concluded that RF EMF should be classified as a Group 1 carcinogen – carcinogenic (cancer causing) to humans.

      In The BioInitiative 2012 Report, Drs Zoreh Davanipour and Eugene Sobel stated that medium-to-high ELF MF field exposure can increase peripheral amyloid beta protein which is a factor in Alzheimer’s.

      In regard to the autism epidemic, in 2013 Dr Martha Herbert, a paediatric neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Cindy Sage, co-editor of the BioInitiative reports, outlined a wide range of autism symptoms that match those of wireless exposure. There are at least 10 different research groups which state that EMF has an important role in the autism epidemic. Dr Martin Pall, Prof Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University contends that the autism epidemic is caused by EMFs acting via calcium channels and chemicals acting via NMDA receptors.

      Donna is assisting women in a workplace breast cancer cluster and she lectures to doctors, health professionals, educators, occupational health and safety officers and union representatives.

      You can get updates on Donna’s work at

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      Orwell City website

      This made me very sad. I don’t know how true it is, but I have seen posts on Facebook which say that pets appear to be getting ill and dying more than usual.

      The depopulation agenda is very real. We only began to notice it when the cabal really stepped it up as part of their 2020 to 2030 pandemic agenda.

      There is a huge battle going on in the world, of good against evil. The more we try to awaken those who are sleepwalking (still trusting the mainstream media) the more we march, protest, blow the whistle, and write letters to media and politicians, the closer we are to winning this battle. Significant strides have already been made and we have two amazing and powerful angels leading the fight behind the scenes. If you’ve been following my various posts you will know who they are. Clue: they have been permanently demonized by the mainstream media, because the mainstream media is controlled by the cabal.

      Turn off your wifi when you’re not using it, and unplug (or get rid of!) your microwave.


      Don’t forget to take out some extra cash asap to tide you over in case the cash machines go down. A financial crash is coming but your money in the bank is protected and the world will be a much better place afterwards. My advice? Use all spare funds to buy silver bullion coins or bars (I use Silver will go sky high before the end of this year.

      Love and blessings to you all
      Linda ❤️


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