The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

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    • #1519

      Dear graduate subscribers

      Here is some special information just for you. Catherine Austin Fitts knew decades ago that vaccines were a fraud. Here is her article from May 2020 and some interesting video links.

      The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine
      By Catherine Austin Fitts
      This article was published in May 2020, months before the CV19 vaccines appeared. Catherine Austin Fitts describes how long before covid, vax-injured people starting coming to her for financial advice. As she became awakened to what vaccines really contained and what they were doing to people and their babies, she became involved in litigation cases. As she became a thorn in the deep state’s side, she was poisoned with heavy metals. She had to move house and spent years recovering.
      Now that we know what has been found in the CV19 “vaccines”, Fitts’ words make chilling reading since they absolutely predicted this long before the CV19 vials were ever released.
      Deep state fraud – It’s not a vaccine

      Catherine austin fitts on bankers, the direct reset, the great poisoning, covid, and the global enslavement coup

      Italian courts rule that vaccines cause autism

      Q. What was the original name of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?
      A. Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control.

      Shocking secret sterilization program
      How so-called health services programs in Africa and elsewhere are masked as philanthropy for poor Africans. In reality they involve involuntary population sterilization via vaccination and other medicines that make women of child-bearing age infertile without their knowledge.

      CV19 vaccine – the bad batches
      How bad is your batch?

      Basic virology – this will take your breath away. It did mine.

      How to beat inflation
      This is really important knowledge. It’s about how to buy gold and silver bullion (yes, even if you only have a few pounds to spare!) and trade them to protect your savings. In the UK the company I recommend is Bullion By Post. Silver is priced artificially low at the moment due to tactics by the cabal. It will soon soar in value.

      Start at 16 minutes

      A very good channel for keeping up to date with the Trump/White Hats news is
      I also like

      As we know, even the BBC is compromised and is just a deep state propaganda machine. We were getting truth from RT (the Russian news channel in English) so it has been taken off UK TV. You can watch it online at and I recommend it. Maybe you’ll even get your family curious about what it says, and it has great documentaries too.

      If you’re not following my Telegram channel yet, try to get the app as soon as possible and find

      Hang in there. Not much longer to go now before the great reveal. Look out for the Queen’s official death announcement. It’s all systems go after that.

      With much love

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